12th International Scientific Conference „Strategies and Methods in Archaeological Research” of „Readings by Jonas Puzinas” in Vilnius, 19-20 October 2023
On October 19-20, 2023, Hubert Binnebesel, a PhD student of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, took part in the 12th International Scientific Conference „Strategies and Methods in Archaeological Research” of „Readings by Jonas Puzinas”, organized by the Faculty of History of the University of Vilnius. H. Binnebesel delivered a lecture entitled "Reconstruction of the original deposition place of artifacts from site 24 in Poręba Dzierżna (Małopolskie voivodeship, southern Poland) using spatial analysis. Geoarchaeological search for flint workshops related to the mine in the Udorka Valley". Its topic was the main assumptions of the doctoral project, including: using spatial analysis to reconstruct the original locations of flint workshops related to the flint mine in Poręba Dzierżna. The report met with great interest from the listeners. On the second day of the conference, participants had the opportunity to visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site in Kiernów.